Those who would like to be considered for help from OKIP must fill out the following application.
Before completing the questionnaire, please note the following:
An inmate requesting the assistance of the Oklahoma Innocence Project must FULLY and LEGIBLY complete the questionnaire. Please be sure to complete the questionnaire in ink and sign the authorization on page 17. You must return the completed questionnaire to the address below:
Oklahoma Innocence Project at OCU Law
800 N. Harvey Ave.
Oklahoma City, OK 73102
Please keep us informed of any address changes.
Please DO NOT send any transcripts, pleadings, or the like with your questionnaire. If we need additional documentation to investigate your matters, we will contact you at that time. Any additional documents sent in with the questionnaire will be returned to you.
Please note that you WILL NOT receive a confirmation from us that your questionnaire was received in our office. Your next communication from us will be a letter informing you of our decision. Please understand that due to the overwhelming number of requests for assistance, there is a wait of 2 years or more before a questionnaire is reviewed.